SEIUNISA, Innovators project comes into full swing

Training activities aimed at the 50 selected students of the SEIUNISA project have started

Training has kicked off for the 50 Innovators selected through the first call of the SEIUNISA (Student Entrepreneurship & Innovation) project promoted by theUnisa Foundation and the University of Salerno, aimed at stimulating self-entrepreneurship.

Innovators were selected on the basis of an assessment of academic merit and motivation to become players in the world of innovation and entrepreneurship.

The first phase of the 100-plus hour training course will see students involved through June in numerous initiatives, including methodological and technological workshops led by Unisa faculty, workshops with visiting professors from Europe and the U.S., meetings with successful entrepreneurs, and mentoring sessions with the Evangelists,” prominent business and innovation personalities from different fields.

The second training part scheduled for July will involve the participation of “Innovators” in national and international study tours and summer schools, held in cooperation with companies and partner institutions of the SEIUNISA platform.

The Scientific Technical Committee is working to launch the second SEIUNSA call for applications, which is also open to students enrolled in bachelor’s degree programs from all departments.

For information and updates on the SEIUNISA world, just check out the project’s social pages on LinkedIn and Instagram or on the Unisa Foundation page: