The closing of the SEIUNISA Innovators call for 50 scholarships to the most deserving students is just around the corner
Unisa Foundation project aims to offer concrete support to stimulate entrepreneurship and innovation among students
Last days to participate in the “Innovators” call for applications of the SEIUNISA (Student Entrepreneurship & Innovation) project promoted by the Unisa Foundation and the University of Salerno, which will award 50 scholarships to stimulate self-entrepreneurship among students at the University of Salerno and help build innovative realities in the area.
The call is aimed at students enrolled at the University of Salerno in two-year Master’s Degree Programs or single-cycle Master’s Degree Programs and who will graduate by March 31, 2023. All requirements can be found in the announcement on the Unisa Foundation website:
Young people, recipients of scholarships from the “Innovators” call for applications, will be offered the opportunity to participate in about 100 hours of training, including methodological workshops, information activities on issues related to new technologies and innovation, and meetings with prominent personalities from the world of entrepreneurship with whom to engage.
The modalities and objectives of the call for proposals were explained at the meeting held at the “Gabriele De Rosa” Lecture Hall on the Fisciano Campus entitled “SEIUNISA: the Platform to Support Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the University’s Students.”