Invitalia Laboratory for Entrepreneurship

Challenge involves all college students to bring out the best business ideas

It is on the starting blocks the
Invitalia Laboratory for Entrepreneurship
, a new challenge in collaboration with theItalian Academy of Business Administration – AIDEA, which is aimed at all male and female students at Italian universities of any faculty with the goal of bringing out the best innovative business ideas.

The Workshop is promoted by the Directorate General for Business Incentives of the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy together with Invitalia and AIDEA.

With this Workshop Invitalia aims to raise awareness among the younger generation on the issues of entrepreneurship in the Digital Economy and funding opportunities for business creation through some of its main incentives, such as for example Resto al Sud, ON Oltre Nuove Imprese a Tasso Zero, Smart&Start Italia, Smart Money.

The challenge students will face is divided into two stages:

  1. by noon on June 8, 2023, participants, organized in teams, must submit their business proposal in the Digital Economy;
  2. the best 5 proposals will participate in a Masterclass free of charge and will confnter in a final event from which the winning team of the 2023 edition will emerge.

Finalist teams will receive the opportunity to take an Experience Tour at a national incubator/accelerator to meet stratuppers and entrepreneurs. In addition, Invitalia will provide its services to accompany the submission of the application for its incentives.

Regulations can be found at