Become an Innovator. Invest in your skills. Grow your skills in applying new technologies in the economy and society.

The Innovators training fellowship is aimed at 50 students enrolled at the University of Salerno in Biennial Master’s Degree Programs or Single-Cycle Master’s Degree Programs and who have graduated by March 31, 2023.
It provides about 100 hours of training, including methodological workshops, information activities on topics related to new technologies and innovation, and meetings with prominent personalities from the world of entrepreneurship with whom to engage.

It also allows for external, international and domestic experiential pathways, all financed by SEIUNISA.

In detail, the Innovators training fellowship is developed in several stages.


Customizable Lab Pathway in UNISA of about 30 hours and accessible to students without a technology background.

It provides visits to laboratories and introduction to the use of new digital technologies (IoT, Digital Manufacturing…) through popular and experimental activities that can also address non-experts.
The goal is to spread the culture of technological innovation that serves as support for Innovators in the design and prototyping of new products/services.

Specifically, the theoretical-practical workshops will focus on:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Virtual Reality and the Metaverse
  • Blockchain and Smart City
  • Internet of Things
  • Additive Manufacturing


Training and workshop sessions of about 40 hours focused on in-depth informative activities on new digital technologies.

This phase will include thematic insights not only by UNISA Professors, but also by International Visiting Professors.
Specifically, they will talk about, among other things:
Innovation Management
Business Model Design
Product Development


Seminars, talks, “One to One” meetings and mentoring sessions of about 30 hours with Evangelists in Residence, StartUppers, Successful Innovators and Entrepreneurs.

The goal is to enable the development of Innovators’ potential by giving them a viewpoint, gained from years of experience, of Evangelists in the world of innovation (technological and social) and entrepreneurship.
This phase will be inspirational in the personal growth of Innovators and of paramount importance in acquiring skills useful in defining plans and strategies to shape different business ideas.


The 50 students who win the Innovator Unisa training fellowship will be able to participate in one of the activities, national and international, of external training, based on a catalog of initiatives prepared by SEIUNISA.
The costs to cover the participation fee and travel, board and lodging expenses are borne by SEIUNISA.

These activities are an opportunity to learn about particularly important innovation ecosystems up close and to work with other colleagues who share the same interest in new technologies and their potential innovative applications.