Innovation and Sustainability, three awardees at Pitch Competition

Pitch Competition - Innovation Community

The Pitch Competition of the Innovation Community call was held on Wednesday, June 28. Presented 28 business projects, in the presence of Evangelists and entrepreneurs

Innovation and sustainability-these are the themes that the three projects awarded prizes at the end of the Pitch Competition of SEIUNISA’s Innovation Community call for entries focused on.

On Wednesday, June 28, at the University of Salerno’s Science and Technology Campus Library, 28 multidisciplinary teams showcased their business ideas to Evangelists and entrepreneurs from the SEIUNISA ecosystem, the student culture of innovation and entrepreneurship platform created by UNISA with the collaboration of the University Foundation.

“The science library spaces were enlivened by the energy of so many young people ,” said Professor Roberto Parente, Student Entrepreneurship Delegate and SEIUNISA CTS member – 165 students, from different departments of the University of Salerno, had the opportunity to come together in good teams to have the right skills and strength such that they could make their business idea something concrete. We engaged Evangelists and entrepreneurs to provide projects with constructive criticism. The final balance is more than positive.”

Award-winning projects

After a morning of discussion, in which the world of the university opened up to the world of business, three business projects were awarded. In first place was “Vivi,” a project that combines innovation and tradition in an electronic device that can be installed on wine bottles, such that the product can be poured and tasted without having to open the bottles and recondition them.

I place Pitch Competition - Vivi

The second awardee was “HydroGrowth3D,” the entrepreneurial idea that aims to reduce the exploitation of soil and waste of water resources through hydroponic cultivation and the development of technological sensors and aquators. A totally 3D printed, customizable and scalable product.

2nd Place Pitch Competition - HydroGrowth3D

Third place for “BetterGush,” an innovative water bottle that allows it to be filled not only from classic downward-jet water sources, but also from gushing fountains. This allows for the reduction of plastic bottles and an upgrade of commercially available water bottles. All including an app to geolocate water sources in one’s territory.

I place Pitch Competition - Vivi

“It was a dynamic day, exactly as we expected,” said Mariaelisa Nappi, SEIUNISA tutor – We put our young people at the center, who were able to enthusiastically present their projects, each with a very innovative and interesting vision concerning a wide variety of fields. Our commitment will continue to be to support young people in their ideas.”