Enterprise Incentive Boroughs

INVITALIA carried out a call for business projects to be located in one or more local units located in the municipalities/historic villages allocated resources for the “Local cultural and social regeneration projects“, in the field of cultural, creative, tourist, commercial, agribusiness and craft activities, aimed at revitalizing local economies by enhancing local products, knowledge and techniques.

The projects will be able to innovatively promote the regeneration of small municipalities through the provision of services, both for the local population and visitors, as well as environmental sustainability, proposing projects that are attentive to the reduction of pollutant emissions, consumption reduction, waste disposal, and circular economy solutions.

Projects of up to 150,000 euros-considering both investment expenses and working capital-are eligible for financing, to be implemented in 18 months and no later than December 31, 2025.

The application deadline has been extended until 6 p.m. on Sept. 29, 2023.

For more info: https://www.invitalia.it/cosa-facciamo/rafforziamo-le-imprese/imprese-borghi